Quick Thoughts

- I love my parents and am so grateful for them, I can hardly contain myself.
- I am making progress on my thesis. Praise God.
- I went on the South Beach Diet and lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks of "phase 1". Most people lose 8-12. Moral of the story: my body doesn't work right.
- My room is now blue. This makes me happy. Thank you, Mama, for all your help! Above is the best "before" pic I could find and then an "after" of that same corner. Below is an "after" showing the contrast wall--although the blue in that picture seems to have more green in it than it does in real life.
- I get to go live in a beautiful new home out in the country east of Richmond for most of the rest of the summer. I'm excited.
- My new supervisor for practicum is wonderful, and I'll be learning his treatment model for chronic depression (CBASP), which should be fascinating and, I hope, give me some sense of competence as a therapist.
- I feel more ready and eager for marriage now than ever and yet at the same time more content and patient with being unmarried than usual. That calls for a much longer entry, but it will have to wait.
- I like chamomile tea, which is a good thing since it's supposedly really good for you. Matter of fact, I'm going to go make some right now...
ahh! the blue looks soooo amazing!!! can't wait to see it in person...
heck yes you like chamomile tea.
speaking of long entry- id love to hear what you have to say... not gonna lie, definetly been praying in a hubby for you and tonya- not that you are at all similar but I keep thinkin, "Lord, give Jen a husband in the name of Jesus" :)
;) love youuuu God's timing is perfect and I can't wait for you to tell your story as a testimony as to how God brought you and your husband together- I'm sure it will be astounding!
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