An Unexpected Phobia
So it turns out I'm scared of news reporters. Went to Byrd Park with Monica this evening to get some exercise and as we're getting out of the car a news reporter and tv camera guy approach us. I apparently had a deer in headlights look on my face. All I know is I avoided eye contact, looked towards Monica for some sort of rescue I guess, and just kept thinking of all those people you see on tv who end up sounding silly and ignorant. Not that everyone on tv sounds silly or ignorant... but as "smart" as I am, I'm not terribly knowledgeable and so more than likely would end up in this category if asked anything about... well, most anything.

Reporter: "What do you think about the condition of our ozone? We're in a 'code orange.' Were you aware of this? Is the ozone something you think about?"Ok, so I didn't really say that. Maybe just the first and last parts. But Monica was brave and submitted to an interview and performed brilliantly in her usual talkative, passionate, sincere manner ;-) So if you happen to read this right after it is posted, you can check channel 12 in Richmond to see if her interview made the cut. Or maybe you'll get to see both of us walking away from the reporter and tv camera guy feeling very awkward.
Jen: "Uh, I don't think I have anything to say about that. Please leave me alone. I don't feel good, I don't look good, and I don't want to sound like an idiot on top of it all. Monica?"
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