Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Top 5 Favorite Gifts Received:
  • Autobot License Tag for Bumblebee
  • GPS for Bumblebee
  • Knit Newsboy Style Cap
  • Barnes and Noble Gift Card
  • Charlotte's Webb DVD (although I have yet to watch it, heh)
I think Bumblebee will be pleased (he's my car for those who don't know...I'll have to get a picture up here sometime). And I'm excited about the possibility of not having to print out mapquest directions--depending on how reliable I think this little GPS gadget is.

We got dad the Wilberforce movie "Amazing Grace" so we watched that tonight. I had forgotten how good it is. Unfortunately, it turns out that their representation of Wilberforce's wife isn't really accurate (at least according to Wikipedia, ha) -- specifically, that Barbara was not interested in his political activities and the movie portrays her as deeply interested. Alas. I know that really is not the point of the movie anyway, but I guess from a woman's perspective her portrayed influence in the film was inspiring--i.e., encouraging William to continue with his work when he had given up hope--and it was disappointing to me to find that this characterization was not real. On the other hand, I had been thinking to myself that I greatly admire a man like Wilberforce and wish that I could be the sort of woman that could love and support such a person, and yet I am not at all like the woman in the movie. But it does sound like I could be like the woman that his wife actually was (minus the "narrow-minded possessiveness" mentioned, I hope, ha). So there's that...

And then we watched Anastasia because I wanted to watch it, and my family loves me, so they watched it with me. =) Except my mom got tired and had to go to sleep, but Joel and dad watched with me 'cause they're sweet like that.

I sort of feel like I should say more, but I mostly just wanted to wish you, my readers, a Merry Christmas and to, well, sort of prattle about the simple parts of the day. Perhaps I will write on the less simple parts another time.

"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour is born to you; He is Christ the Lord."

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

Luke 2:10-11 & 14


At 12/31/2007 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) I did not know your car had a name. that's funny

2) the rest of the post was so sweet i got choked up. what a sweet christmas

3) i feel the need for a #3 but do not have one


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