I went to a new chiropractor today. He asked me if I would believe him that my headaches could be coming from a problem in my feet. I laughed and said, "Yes." I now have tape around my feet that I'm supposed to keep on for 3 days and "see how my headaches are."
Some might think this sounds crazy, but hey, I prefer unusual hypotheses that actually explain something to doctors who just say, "Well, I have no idea why you get headaches all of the time, but here's a pill that we don't know why it works but it works for most people. Oh, and by the way, it sometimes interferes with people's mental functioning."
Who knows. Maybe the foot thing won't be the answer. Maybe this chiropractor will decide that my headaches aren't due to structural problems, and maybe I'll be left taking the mystery pill that I believe gives me concentration, attention, and word-finding problems. But I'd really prefer getting to the root of the problem if at all possible. And taping my feet seems like as good a place to start as any.
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