Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Ok, I really mean it this time. I am going to give this blogger thing a real go. I've decided to give up the "Currently Reading/Listening/Watching" capability in favor of hearing comments from unknown and unacknowledged non-xangans. So don't let me down, friends! I want to hear your thoughts, reactions, and encouragements! =) ( they not even have smileys on this thing? heh)

Let's test out the new feature: Whoever you are reading this, please drop a hello and, in honor of the lost Xanga traits, let me know what good book you've read this summer, movie you've watched, or cd you've enjoyed.

Okay, okay, I'll start:

Stranger in a Strange Land, Heinlein. Very engaging and thought-provoking.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Entertaining but I'm not sure that it warranted the box office record it earned (shrug).

Imogen Heap, "Speak for Yourself." I enjoy this CD very much--it's fun and different. [Why do you have to be so cute? ; ) ]