Quick Thoughts
- I love my parents and am so grateful for them, I can hardly contain myself.
- I am making progress on my thesis. Praise God.
- I went on the South Beach Diet and lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks of "phase 1". Most people lose 8-12. Moral of the story: my body doesn't work right.
- My room is now blue. This makes me happy. Thank you, Mama, for all your help! Above is the best "before" pic I could find and then an "after" of that same corner. Below is an "after" showing the contrast wall--although the blue in that picture seems to have more green in it than it does in real life.
- I get to go live in a beautiful new home out in the country east of Richmond for most of the rest of the summer. I'm excited.
- My new supervisor for practicum is wonderful, and I'll be learning his treatment model for chronic depression (CBASP), which should be fascinating and, I hope, give me some sense of competence as a therapist.
- I feel more ready and eager for marriage now than ever and yet at the same time more content and patient with being unmarried than usual. That calls for a much longer entry, but it will have to wait.
- I like chamomile tea, which is a good thing since it's supposedly really good for you. Matter of fact, I'm going to go make some right now...